Sunday, November 28, 2010


I haven't seen a Hindi movie in ages, but I became intrigued by the poster question. It didn't look a typical Hindi movie poster; there was a deliberate style choice being made. These three posters have a definite Christian iconographic look to them with Spanish undertones. The placement of the fingers and the size of the hand in first poster is indicative of of hands in early Christian art. There is also a hint of a halo around Ethan's (Hrithik) head in all three posters. Sofia's (Aishwarya) hair, jewelry, and clothing have a Spanish feel to them.

Obviously I had to see the movie since I'd made such a fuss about the posters.

The walls of Ethan's home were the color of blue patina you sometimes find on aged copper. The house was full of Christian and Spanish religious iconography. In one scene the wall behind Ethan has an image that could have been taken right off of a Byzantine church wall. It all looked a bit like Spanish retablo paintings. Part of the way through the movie Sofia takes part in a Flamenco-ish dance number complete with air Spanish guitar. Sofia's character is clearly an homage to Frida Kahlo. Frida wore Tehuana Indian maiden dresses and large chunky jewelry; she dressed like no one else. Sofia wears long flowing dresses that look to be hand made from Mexican folk art fabric. She also wears very funky chunky earrings. In one scene she has her hair braided and pinned across her head in Frida's style.

The odd juxtaposition of styles and Ethan's jazz/ballet dance/magic scenes made for quite a visual treat.

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