I've needed a new pair of House Crocs for a while. I tried buying a pair of Fake Crocs from CVS over the weekend, but the Broad Ripple staff had stacked cases of beverage outside the store room, making it impossible to get near the shoe display. I work near Castleton mall, so I thought I'd give it a go Monday. The Croc Store, believe it or not, had a limited selection in my size. The purple-ish pair I tried on seemed larger than the flaming orange pair. Turns out, the purple-ish pair were made and Mexico and the flaming orange pair were made in China. The very helpful staff-chick explained that they've noticed the sizes are not constant between countries. I'm apparently a Made in China size M 4 - W 6. File that away.
I stopped by Borders on my way out. Nothing particular in mind; just going to check it out on my way to the car. I grabbed the latest issue of Mojo which has a pretty detailed article on how Fred Bulsara became Freddie Mercury. I can't seem to get enough 70's rockers in my diet these days.
I grabbed a Photoshop Elements for Dummies book. I took a Photoshop Elements class a while back, but didn't really get any reference materials. I think it's good that the instructor wanted us to understand what we were doing, think about what you're trying to do, rather than rely on some steps on a page. However, Photoshop is not the most intuitive piece of software; It's the nature of the beast. I need a bit of a reference nudge.
Lastly, I stumbled across Noah Scalin's book A Daily Creativity Journal - Make Something Everyday and Change Your Life. Nope, wasnt' looking for it; didn't know it existed. Well, maybe a tiny little bell went off in my noodle when I read the spine. (that sounds quite creepy taken out of context). Sounds pretty hooky, but I'm pretty stoked - which is unusual for me. He's famous for his Skulladay blog. Premise of the book - make something everyday. There are daily suggestions to get you thinking outside the proverbial box. I'm not going to go with a theme - Narwhal a Day or Giant Clam a Day - I'm going to just Do Something Art-ish Everyday. I have a ton of things started and nothing finished. Nothing. Yep. If I set the bar low enough, perhaps I'll actually step over it.
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