Sunday, March 9, 2014

Love Hurts, Actually / The Monkey Poet

I caught a performance of Matt Panesh, aka Monkey Poet's Love Hurts, Actually @ Indy Fringe last night! Matt is one ball of absolute creative energy. If you get a chance see this guy - GO!  Matt does a sort of shrink to the tiniest bits then blow up large version of the movie "Love Actually". His Alan Rickman is just sublime. He finishes up his performance with his own stand up poetry show. Clever lad, that.

The evening performance opened up with two local slam poetesses - Januarie York and Gabrielle Patterson. The ladies rock it. I had seen Gabrielle perform before and was just blown away. I'd always wanted to see Januarie; now I know why.

This is not your mother's moon in june kind of poetry. This stuff is raw, emotional, and in your face.

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